她与Vivid签署过一份专署合约,在哪里太开始逐渐拍摄影片。2004年她与几个其他著名AV女星一起参加了名为“No more Bush Girls”的抗议布什政治的活动,在布什任期它们决定剔掉阴毛表示抗议。她是第一个在Vivid其下以自己的艺名做标题发布作品的女优,2006年她开始摄制互动的(virtual)成人影视,她是Vivid第一个摄制互动影视的女星。
随后她继续发片,“Sunny and Cher”在2006年10月发布,并获得了极大的好评,07年发布的“The Female Gardener”依然相当受欢迎,最近的影片叫“It's Sunny in Brazil”。
1. The Sunny Experiment (2007) (V)
2. It's Sunny in Brazil (2007) (V)
3. Debbie Does Dallas... Again (2007) (V)
4. Sunny Loves Matt (2007) (V)
5. Busty Cops 2 (2006) (V) .... Toluca Lake
6. The Female Gardener (2006) (V)
7. Sunny & Cher (2006) (V)
8. Virtual Vivid Girl Sunny Leone (2006) (V)
9. Alabama Jones and the Busty Crusade (2005) (V) .... Queen of the
10. Centerfold Fetish (2005) (V)
11. Sunny (2005) (V)
12. Lingerie: The Secret Art of Seduction (2004) (V) (as Sunny)
13. Busty Cops (2004) (V) .... Taluca Lake
14. Mystique Presents H2Ohh (2004) (V)
15. Deadly Stingers (2003) .... Hot Tub Hussey
16. Penthouse: Pets in Paradise (2001) (V)
1. 'Howard Stern on Demand' .... Herself (1 episode, 2008)
... aka Howard TV on Demand (USA)
- Sunny and Joanna (2008) TV episode .... Herself
2. 'Howard Stern' .... Herself (2 episodes, 2002-2003)
- Episode dated 4 November 2003 (2003) TV episode .... Herself
- Episode dated 11 December 2002 (2002) TV episode .... Herself
3. Centerfold Babylon (2003) (TV) .... Herself
4. Erotic Idols (2002) (V) .... Herself
... aka Suze Randall's Erotic Idols (USA: complete title) 作者: avinterest 时间: 2009-12-17 15:01